Experience Tatnall

Upcoming Events

Early Childhood Tour & Learn (2s and 3s)

Thursday, April 3, 8:15 - 9:15  a.m.

Come and discover all the opportunities available to your child to "joyfully pursue excellence" in our Early Childhood! You will have the opportunity to attend a morning community gathering, tour our learning spaces and engage in vibrant discussions with Early Childhood administration about the dynamic learning opportunities at Tatnall.

Click here to register now.


Middle & Upper School Tour & Learn (Grades 6 - 12)

Friday, April 18, 8:30 - 10:00  a.m.

Come and discover all the opportunities available to your child to joyfully pursue excellence in our Middle and Upper School! Join us for engaging and vibrant discussions with Middle and Upper School administration, staff and students about the dynamic learning opportunities at Tatnall.

Click here to register now!


Lower School Tour & Learn (Grades K - 5)

Thursday, April 24, 8:15 - 9:15  a.m.

Come and discover all the opportunities available to your child to "joyfully pursue excellence" in our Lower School! Join us for a tour of Sedgely learning spaces and engage in vibrant discussions with Lower School administration and parents about the dynamic learning opportunities at Tatnall.

Click here to register now.


Schedule a "Hornet For a Day" Shadow Visit (Grades 1 - 12) or Playgroup Visit (2s - K)

Students entering 2s through grade 8 must submit an application before scheduling a shadow or playgroup visit. Once an application is submitted, you can schedule your child's visit through the enrollment portal.

Families interested in grades 9 -12 can register for a shadow visit without submitting an application. Click here to register for an Upper School Hornet for a Day visit.

Fall visit dates will be available soon!


Schedule a Campus Tour

We look forward to welcoming you to Tatnall for a campus tour!

We invite interested families to join us for individual family tours. Please click here to complete an inquiry and register for a tour. Please email [email protected] or call 302-892-4303 if you have any questions. 

Meet Our Enrollment Team

A Tatnall education provides exceptional academics, outstanding athletics, unparalleled arts, and authentic relationships.

Our students are challenged every day to be confident, innovative, creative, and exceptional.



Tatnall is not just a school. It's a way of life.

Frances D.S. Tatnall