Athlete of the Week - November 4, 2021
Sport Achievement

Nancy Evans ’23

Captain Nancy Evans '23 was the glue that held the Hornets together all season, especially in the home stretch. Tatnall played 4 matches in its last 9 days.  Nancy did all she could to help the Hornets be victorious, literally laying her body on the line as Tatnall's premier defender.  Nancy kept Concord, Sanford, Wilmington Christian, and Red Lion from scoring over 50 times, with 59 digs.  She also set the tone for the team from the service line, being the first server each set and with Tatnall earning more than 20 points during her serve, including 9 Aces. Congrats Nancy!

Evie Hill ’22

Senior Evie Hill has been a Varsity field hockey player since her 8th-grade year. She is a solid and reliable defender and plays a vital role on our team. She aided in keeping WCS scoreless with a huge defensive save. Congrats Evie!

Andre Latina ’22

Andre was second in the DISC Conference Championship only to his teammate Nic Pizarro '22.  Andre has had a solid senior season and co-captained the winning team at DISC. This week, Andre beat the other 116 boys from 5 DISC Schools and has been a joy to watch run. Congrats Andre!

Katrina Endres '24

Katrina earned second in the DISC Conference with a stunning time on a challenging Tatnall course.  Her place was behind teammate Katie Payne '25.  This week, Katrina beat 50 other girls from 5 DISC Schools. Congrats Katrina!

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