The Singer Family Swan Song
Sport Achievement

On April 2, Teryn Singer ’22 caught a pass at the top of the 8-meter arc and fired a sidearm bounce shot past the opposing goalie for her 200th goal. The mechanics may have been routine, but the outcome was anything but, for no female athlete has ever scored 200 goals in Tatnall’s proud athletic history. As Teryn thrust her arm in the air and spun around, she was immediately swarmed by her closest friends and teammates, all of whom have grown together as a team into the powerhouse we see before us. Together they celebrated this incredible achievement - another in a long list of highlights from this team’s legacy of success and run towards a consecutive State Finals appearance.    

Teryn is currently writing an exciting final chapter of her family’s long-standing athletic legacy at Tatnall. Her father Rand ’93, a Tatnall lifer, met her mother, Jen ’94, after she matriculated to 10th grade from Upland. Both were star athletes during their time at Tatnall, with Rand winning the ‘93 State Championship in lacrosse and Jen captaining prodigious field hockey and lacrosse teams while making her mark as a talented and tenacious goal scorer. When Teryn and her brother Lain ’20 came back to Tatnall in 2014, it seemed inevitable both would grow up to carry on the family legacy of athletic accomplishment. Lain scored 100 goals for the State Championship ice hockey team in 2020, while Teryn found her niche on the lacrosse field.

It’s been quite something to watch our daughter mature into an amazing young lady in the classroom and a force on the field hockey and lax fields. Teryn is one of the most unselfish players I have ever seen and has a love for the game that both her father and I shared. She is a true team player and is just as happy watching her good friend score a goal or get an assist then scoring herself.

Teryn’s incredible goal scoring run began in 8th grade when she was tagged for the Varsity team as a middle schooler and immediately saw significant playing time on an emerging squad. She scored over 60 goals each of the next two seasons before the pandemic robbed her of the chance to add to the total in 2020. Despite the missed year, she came back strong in 2021 to help lead the girls’ to an electric run to the Delaware State Championship game. Jen and Rand never miss a second if they can help it, with Jen using her vocal enthusiasm to provide a soundtrack from the sidelines.

The opportunity to watch our daughter play where I played, on the same field and at the same position, has meant the world to me. I thank Tatnall for giving her this opportunity and am so proud of the athlete and leader she has become!

For Teryn, however, her team’s success is yet another example of how Tatnall girls’ sports are among the most dominant and successful in the State of Delaware. Field Hockey, Basketball, Cross-Country, Track & Field, and Lacrosse have all enjoyed unprecedented success in the last several years, and Teryn wants everyone to know: 

This is a statement that Tatnall girls’ sports are a powerhouse and are not going anywhere any time soon. 

Over the years, some of our greatest athletes have been Tatnall lifers and legacies, growing up before our eyes into forces of nature. The Girls’ Varsity Lacrosse team is no exception. From Tatnall’s perspective, it is amazing to watch our girls grow up to become such fierce competitors. As they prepare to enter the State Tournament with an eye on our first ever State Title, we can only hope their example will inspire the next generation of Tatnall girls to embrace their Tatnall roots, grow the wings to fly, and set forth to write their own chapters of this impressive legacy.

Good luck, girls!  We will be rooting for you every step of the way.

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