Castagno Named One of Delaware’s Most Influential Persons
Faculty Athletics

Over Spring Break, DelawareOnline released an article naming our very own coach and faculty member Pat Castagno as one of Delaware’s Top Influential People in Sports. We spoke with Pat to ask a little more about this achievement and the path he took to get here.

-How does being in Delaware sports' Top 15 Influential People feel?

This is a special honor for me and makes me think about all the coaches and athletes that have been a part of our Tatnall Cross Country and Track & Field Programs over the past 23 years and who put inspiring work into building our teams. This kind of award is based on the work of many who have come through our program. I am flattered to receive it, but I do so on behalf of all the coaches I have worked with here at Tatnall.

-Can you describe the journey you took to get to this level of recognition?

I don't think any coach ever gets involved in coaching young people with their eyes on winning personal awards - it has to be a labor of love, and it sure has been a lifetime journey for me here at Tatnall.

I feel so lucky to have played a part in building a program and teams over the years where students of Tatnall create memories that they can talk about for years to come. Success builds on success, and I have found that not just setting the bar out of reach but continuing to move it up as the athletes approach it has been a key to good outcomes.

-What has been your favorite success at Tatnall?

Success in anything you do means that you focus hard on what you are building, are willing to put in the work and care about the outcome of everyone involved. Our most cherished successes come when a goal presented to a team in preseason comes true at a state championship. I have found myself and our other coaches taking a step back while the team is celebrating a state championship win, jumping up and down as a group, cheering, happy, and with parents surrounding. We look at each other and realize how special a moment we are in right then and how these kids will never forget what they just did as long as they live. This has to be one of my favorite successes.

-What has been a challenge that you overcame as a coach?

It’s been finding a way to work through or even around some things that keep athletes from reaching their potential in our sport. It doesn't matter where or what you coach - the same thing is true for all. Coaching challenges come in many forms.

-If you could give first-year Head Coach Pat Castagno some advice, what would it be?

There isn't enough time for this answer!

The main advice would be to continue to look at the big picture not only for each athlete but for myself as well.  Every great track athlete had to begin one day with a slow jog or skill instruction and build from there. With the build of strength, speed, and endurance comes confidence.  With confidence comes excellent performances in sports.

-If you could give ANY new Head Coach advice, what would it be?

Be patient with the process of building your teams, and be willing to stay late.  Look at what you do as an investment into someone else's life that may or may not pay off, but when it does, it is that much more special.

Oh, and something I forgot to do along the way - keep the balance in your life - it will make you a better coach.

Read more about Coach Castagno’s honor

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