One of Tatnall’s most beautiful traditions is undoubtedly the 5th Grade Abuelito Who Poetry Reading.
For about three decades, Tatnall fifth graders have been writing poems to honor their grandparents or other loved ones in their lives. The poems they write are deeply inspired by their love of and appreciation for a special person. The writing itself is based on the lovely poem, Abuelito Who (Spanish for Grandaddy Who) written by Mexican American poet, Sandra Cisneros, for her very own dear Abuelito. Following in the footsteps of Ms. Cisneros, our young poets write about their loved ones, while sprinkling their poems with their own similes and metaphors, Spanish words, poetic repetition, and many colorful adjectives and exciting verbs. The whole process includes grammar lessons, memories, experiences, vocabulary expansion, revision, editing, and lots of love.
This tradition took root by “accident,” with Mary-beth Howard (a published poet herself!) leading the way. The first poetry reading was held in her classroom at the end of the 5th grade Latin America Unit, which synchronistically bumped right into Valentine's Day! Reading love poems, wearing lots of red and pink, and listening to music before the reading put everyone in a very loving, kind, and joyful state. There were no guests at the first reading, and that’s when the “accident” happened. A Tatnall mom who was on campus heard of what was going to happen at 8:15 in Mrs. Howards's classroom, and she popped in for the presentation. There the children read their beautiful poems, interrupted only by the CD playing Latin American love songs. All who were present were stunned. Teachers, students, and the visiting Mom. That Mom was so moved, she said that the event could not remain a secret and that next year, it had to be taken to the stage! From that very first reading, everyone knew they had to have Kleenex at the end of every row because the emotions expressed worked their magic, leaving not a single dry eye anywhere!
Today, the Poetry Reading takes place in the Laird Performing Arts Center, where students surprise their loved ones by reading poems in their honor. While some aspects of the tradition have morphed over the years, the sentiment remains the same. Thank you to Mrs. Howard for starting this tradition and sharing its origin story with us!