Tatnall Golf April 7, 2022
Sport Golf

Tatnall Golf started their season off strong. On Thursday, March 31, the team traveled to the gorgeous DuPont Country Club to face off in a Quad-Meet against Sanford, Tower Hill, and Wilmington Friends. Tatnall dominated the competition with the final scores of Tatnall 148, Sanford 184, Tower Hill 180, and Wilmington Friends 177. Jeff Homer ’23 medaled, scoring a 36, the overall lowest score of the match.


Following up this decisive win, the Hornets had a dual match on Monday, April 4, against Archmere Academy. Tatnall won with 145, Archmere 159. Most notably, Anthony Ciconte ’22  won with the lowest match score and overall with a 34 (one under par). It was a great day for golf!


Tatnall Golf is currently prepping for their next match Friday, April 8, against Salesianum.

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